Notice the lovely wall art, the kids made for their little sister coming. You can see the name we've chosen. :) |
I am thanking God, my King, for the fact that I've made it this far! I'm 36 weeks! Next week, it will be "GREEN LIGHT GO!" for labor at any given time.
Technically, I could go into labor now... however... that puts me in the hospital (too early for a safe homebirth) and possibly having a premature infant. (which terrifies me to no end)
So... needless to say.. I'm am trying to confidently walk with peace that I will make it to next week, at least, if not hoping for a miracle that I make it even further. :)
Meanwhile.... I have been slowly preparing for setting up for my home birth. My husband, (God bless that man!) has been running a muck for me, making sure I'm not doing too much to upset my body into labor, by doing most of the hard work of prep.
growing snack bag.. honey sticks, dark chocolate, fig newtons, so far! |
Postpartum box. I'm not going to forget the IBProfen this time.. had to have my sister run and get it last minute last time. You live and you learn! |
There is still things to get done, like putting plastic on the mattresses... (just in case), putting my scriptures up on the walls for my gaze to catch during labor, putting together the gift/goodie bags for the kids for waiting nicely during labor, and I need to wash a few more towels to collect at least 10 (as the midwife requested for water labor/birth). :) We plan on setting the pool up this weekend so it'll be ready for whenever I'll need it. (I will never ever ever labor without water ever again!)
Pregnant Status Update: I'm 36 weeks. I'm dilated to 2 and about 70% effaced. Midwife is guessing baby to be around 6 lbs now. She doesn't think I'll make it to my due date, but she remains optimistic about me making it, at least to next week.
I still have bouts of crazy contractions that make me worry and question whether or not I'll make it to term, but then I'll rest and go to sleep and wake in the morning, still pregnant, thanking God, and hoping I can stay calm. I keep trying to talk myself off an anxiety ledge of going into labor sooner than I want to. For as much as I've been tortured with this pregnancy, the whole time, I'm still not ready to labor and possibly deliver an infant that's going to have issues because of the earliness. My nerves of labor and delivery, in and of itself, are nerve-racking enough to me, then add the history with our baby drama... I just want this pregnancy to last as long as it can. I want to be able to get to a point where my prayer changes from "Please Lord, let me stay pregnant." to "Please Lord, get this baby out of me!".
Thank you for any prayers sent our way.
You are amazing!