Thursday, March 13, 2014

Little Red Book: Subway Is Good and So Are Old People

I'm realizing now that I haven't done a Little Red Book in a looooong time. So here's a "passage" from my little red notebook that I carry everywhere.

"I'm sitting at Subway in the van with the kids, as my husband is inside getting our food. There's a car with an old woman in the passenger seat next to me. She sits lonely as she waits, just like me. Her head is down as she examines the wrinkles of her frail hands.

All of the sudden, she perks up to see something from afar. In curiosity, I look to see what she's looking at. A man was escorting, who appeared to be, his very elderly mother across the sidewalk, arm in arm, heading into the Subway. 

I looked back at the older woman, the one sitting next to me in the car, to witness her sweet wrinkly cheeks being pushed up from the smile that beamed on her face from such a site." 

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