Thursday, March 27, 2014

Drawing The Line: A Little Clearer... I'm Often Misunderstood. (i'm working on it)

I know that the last post may have seemed a little out of character for me.... to those that don't know me very well. Those that do know me, totally nailed my character...ehem.  However, even they were a little confused. After I stepped off my soapbox, I realize that I may have been a little too vague out of fear for slandering any names. What tipped me off was when people kept asking me what article I was even talking about.

I'm an avid article/post reader... so..... when I read an article... I just assume that everyone else has too. I'm not sorry for writing the previous post, however, here's some clarification.

A post that irked me ----> HERE

A post that didn't irk me ----> HERE

Now that you are up to speed, my post here will make a little more sense to you... hopefully.

We may all have to agree to disagree on this one, but I couldn't help but share my feelings on this as I watch various leaders of the church turn into modern day Pharisee's. So many boisterous claims as to who gets into heaven if they are this, or do this, or stop doing this.

I'm a firm believer that you need to accept Jesus' hand in order to live in paradise with Him. But that's just it. It's simple. And so many people make it such a complex thing all because of the journey one takes to truly feel redemption. Everyone is walking a different path. Some have the seemingly smallest milestones that turn into the very things that make them stumble. While others have gaping holes, or better yet, those cliff edges like in Indiana Jones where he had to step out into the air, hoping that he was right about the fact that there's a secret hidden bridge. Some feel stuck, while some are vigorously grabbing at each rock to get through the mountains. All are unstoppable, but only a few actually realize it.

Jesus, to me, is just so beautiful. He's that best friend that I know I can say anything to. But at the same time, He's the guy that makes me want to reach for those higher standards, no matter how many times I fall short.... in front of His face. I'm sure His forehead hurts just from my doing.

I'm not saying I've got it nailed. But I do know Love when I see it. I was just very disappointed at the stand certain leaders were taking, held with very strong heavy accusations. I know this happens often, but it was like one of those moments where everyone had a stone in their hands, ready to start throwing as soon as the leader gave the orders. .... and the leaders were pretty much giving the orders. That's what it felt like to me anyway.


  1. Glad I didn't "irk" you! Thanks for stopping by.

    1. And Thank you for your non-irking post! It truly was a breath of fresh air.
