Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Ruth's HBAC Story: in Pictures "From An Eight Year Old's Perspective" :)

All these pictures (except for this first one, of course) were taken by my 8 yr. old son Isaiah. I let him take pictures of anything he wanted to during this process. So enjoy these pictures, from an 8 yr old's perspective. 

Isaiah and I adopted the My Little Pony phrase, "nervouscited!" 


  1. oh my heart! this might be the most precious thing i've ever seen. What a blessing so get to see this from his point of view. When i was 8 my grandpa bought me my first camera and i've loved taking and looking at photos ever since. I needed this reminder of just how precious life is and just how good and faithful our Heavenly Father is. thank you for that!

    Sheila Stevens

  2. Aw. Thank you! Yes, he loves taking pictures. I knew he'd do a good job and that he's enjoy using the camera for such an event. He was proud of his work. I am too! :)

  3. oh my word Kailan, so beautiful and wow! Isaiah had a very good eye and takes very good pictures, it's hard to believe an 8 year old took them! ahhh I'm in love :) xxooxo

    1. :) I know! I knew he'd do a great job. He loves taking pictures. :)

  4. Isaiah is a boy after my our heart! he got some great pics :) im so happy for you and the fam! so glad everything went well! ill be praying for you and the little ruth!

  5. photographer in the making! so precious to have such vivid photos of a perfect day! so proud of you and the example you are to everyone that knows you. hugs to all and sending prayers up for you all!

    1. Thanks for the prayers and encouragement! Yes, I'm glad that I had him take the pictures. It's wonderful for lots of reasons :)
